The Need

Sponsor a Meal & Feed The Hungry this Thanksgiving:

Thank you for looking into how you can help us feed the needy by sponsoring one or more catered dinners served on
November 21, 2023.

Each dinner consists of
Turkey, Honey Glazed ham, a roll, cranberry sauce with dressing, Greenbean casserole, Mac and cheese with dessert plus beverages.
Additionally, each family and individual will be signed into our assistance network and receive a care package.

Your Sponsorship gift per plate is $20.00 and is tax deductible
. We are also having a concert for the families as they dine.

General or Recurring Donations:

If you would like to make a general donation to The ARK Centers to be used throughout the organization, Please click the button below, and thank you!

Help Support Others By Donating Today!

Help Support Others By Donating Today!

Help Support Others By Donating Today!